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Citronella Bark Collars

Gibby is very demanding when he wants to play or have attention. So demanding, in fact, that he will bark nonstop. If you tell him no or ignore him, he'll soon start bouncing toward you, nipping.

We decided to try a citronella bark collar as a non lethal, no pain bark deterrent. So far, it seems to be working as it should. We use it for short periods only.

What would bully life be like without hilarity? Tonight, Zeus was lying on the living room floor, chewing on a toy. Gibby stood next to him, waiting for an opportunity to steal it. Zeus started barking at Gibby, as if telling him to go the eff away. Well, it set off Gibby's bark collar. LOL

Gibby stole the toy and ran away to the couch. 🤣 These guys never fail to entertain us.

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