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2 of 3 items from SBA have our will fund this week.

My (Tammy) Facebook accounts have been deleted 5 times without reason, warning, or options for review. I will not create any more Facebook pages. I'm over their unreasonable sensoring garbage, considering I've NEVER been abusive, bullying, or controversial on their platform. This is where you can comment and keep up with me from now on. Please join the mailing list or register for a free account.

We have begun moving out of our shop location. Our landlord issued a 3 day pay or quit notice. We decided to move our business, since we'd been locked into an unusable space under false pretenses, since 2019. It has cost us our entire livelihood, including COVID shutdowns, followed by layers letting all tenants know that there would be NO BREAKS, DEALS, OR CONCESSIONS.

The day after receiving our 3 day notice, I began having medical symptoms and was hospitalized for a heart attack the following week. Rest assured, I am doing okay and am on the mend. EXTREME AND COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY stress, like what we've been dealing with nonstop since 7/2019, is what has caused this.

Perhaps if we had received a bit more respect, courtesy, and professionalism, we'd think about staying and continuing to struggle in our attempts and efforts to make the space functional for our specific business needs. But COVID and our building owner combined (like Wonder Twins) have wiped us out, financially. We will be using our grant funds to restock and shift to a new business model, without going completely out of business. Check back here for regular news and updates.

Doug has jumped in and handled nearly all of the moving, since I'm out of commission for the heavy stuff for a while. I'm grateful to him, but so sadly disappointed by folks who promised to help him, then only proven themselves to be unreliable and unconcerned. If Doug OR I were in any way important to these people, they'd have figured out how to help decrease my stress, as I try to heal, instead of adding to it, every.single.step along the way. Ultimately, one person has shown up to help him. You know who you are and I appreciate you.

So there it is, folks... find me on tiktock: hartsinfyre3633 or TheBullyBunch2021 for regular social media stuff.

Shop online via

Schedule events, deliveries, drop offs, parties, commissions, custom orders, etc. Via our website, as well.

We're on IG, Google, yelp, and still have the business page on FB (Tammy will not be monitoring that any longer, though). Find us, like, follow, comment, review, and share!! Love and light to all!❤

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